Relevant Fiction Reviews: Angels, Demons & Disembodied Spirits

Relevant Fiction Reviews

October, or “spooky season,” as I keep hearing, is the perfect time to feature books that highlight the unseen realities of angels, demons, and disembodied spirits. Interestingly, not a single one of these is a horror novel.

Relevant Fiction Reviews: Novels that highlight the reality of unseen forces – good and evil – with angels, demons, and disembodied spirits. Click To Tweet Continue reading

Battle for His Soul: A Glimpse at Unseen Realities

angel statue

Photo by Stefan Schweihofer (pixabay)

If I were to list all of the (many) things I take for granted, my guardian angel would be one of them. In my defense, I can’t see, hear, smell, touch, or taste it, so it’s not hard to forget despite the fact I’ve said the Prayer to Your Guardian Angel every night of my life as far back as I can remember. (I thought there was only one – look at all of these!)

Battle for His Soul lets the reader see the guardian angels and spiritual warfare that we cannot see while still grounding the story in reality. Written in both human and angelic points of view, this third installment in Theresa Linden’s Catholic Teen Fiction series shouldn’t be missed. See my full review below! Continue reading