Small Success Thursday

Small Success Thursday

Why small success? Because that’s the only kind I know! Even the big ones come in small steps. Here’s my paltry offering for the week:

  1. Greeting Cards Organized and  Replenished – I like to send greeting cards for birthdays, anniversaries, and other occasions. Rather than spend my days and nights selecting expensive greeting cards from the rack, I buy them in bulk from Current. This means that aside from unique special occasions, I need only stock up once or twice a year. Last week I went through my box of cards, reorganizing and assessing what I needed to purchase. Continue reading

Small Success Thursday

Small Success Thursday

Why small success? Because that’s the only kind I know! Even the big ones come in small steps. Here’s my paltry offering for the week:

  1. Back-to-School Paperwork Conquered – I survived the beginning-of-the-school-year-paperwork flurry. After filling out umpteen forms replete with multiple emergency contacts with multiple contact phone numbers for multiple children and a range of other forms requiring my signature, I thought my work was done. Then a second round of papers hit at back-to-school night. I think I’ve completed every necessary form and attached every necessary payment without letting things fall through the cracks. I think.  Continue reading