#WorthRevisit: Nature’s Calling. Are You Listening?

Worth Revisit WednesdayI’m linking up with Theology is a Verb and Reconciled to You for #WorthRevisit Wednesday Linkup.

Less than two weeks away from Labor Day and fresh from a short but unplugged visit to Shenandoah National Park, this seemed like the perfect post to revisit.

Man has endured work since Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden:

To the man he said: Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, You shall not eat from it,
Cursed is the ground because of you!
In toil you shall eat its yield
all the days of your life. (Gen 3:17)

Yet “work is for man, not man for work.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2428) So, this Labor Day and throughout the year, what can you do bring a bit of genuine leisure to your life? To cultivate a sabbath or respite?

One of the simplest, most beneficial, FREE things you can do is get out into nature. In the weeks before school began, I crammed in some last-minute opportunities to get myself and my children outside. We visited a grottogardens, nature trails, and a nature sanctuary.

Wildwood Park1

Wildwood Park in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

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#WorthRevisit: When Does Itching Signify Danger?

Worth Revisit WednesdayI’m linking up with Theology is a Verb and Reconciled to You for #WorthRevisit Wednesday Linkup.

June is ICP Awareness Month, the perfect time to re-share about the rare condition I experienced with some of my pregnancies. In hindsight, pregnancy seems like such a short time, a blip on the radar of life, especially as compared to the many years spent nurturing a baby and raising a child. But as you’re experiencing it, pregnancy can seem endless, especially if you’re enduring pain, nausea, discomfort, or severe and relentless itching.

Please take a few minutes to read. Your knowledge of this rare pregnancy condition could help save a baby’s life.

During the third trimester of my first pregnancy, the soles of my feet began to itch. In frustration, I would rub my bare feet over the claw feet of our dining room table during meals. I scrubbed them over bristling carpet. Finally, my husband bought me a foot massage tool that I could rub my feet over, offering some relief from the relentless itch. Continue reading

#WorthRevisit: Will This Season of Marriage Last Forever?

Worth Revisit Wednesday

With more than fifteen months of blogging under my proverbial belt, I feel as if I might now have some material worth revisiting, so I’m linking up with Theology is a Verb and Reconciled to You for #WorthRevisit Wednesday Linkup. This post, written less than four months after I began blogging, was viewed by more people than any other post of mine at the time. My reflections on our less-than-perfect marriage were timed to my wedding anniversary, as is this repost. Only this makes nineteen years.

What’s different a year later? Very little. Only that I’m already considering how to celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary by spending our second night (and third through eighth nights) alone since 2002. Continue reading