Relevant Fiction Reviews: Novels Set in Boston

Relevant Fiction Reviews

We recently visited the Boston area of Massachusetts, and I’ve been thinking of the books I’ve read – contemporary or historical – set in this locale. I bet I’m forgetting some! But these are the first that came to mind.

A Passion Most Pure (The Daughters of Boston, #1)A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman
I’ve read A Passion Most Pure twice – something I don’t often do – mainly due to the size of my to-be-read list. This book, my introduction to Julie Lessman’s writing, stuck with me so much I gave it a second go.

Is it a little like a soap opera in spots? Yep. There’s a reason soap operas of the daytime and nighttime variety have endured. I don’t consider those elements a strike against the book.

I love that the importance of chastity is addressed without minimizing temptation, glossing over human frailties, or the purpose of God-given passion in our lives. A great introduction to the Daughters of Boston! Continue reading