Relevant Fiction Reviews: Fantasy Fiction

Relevant Fiction Reviews
Elfling (U.S. Edition)Elfling by Corinna Turner

Elfling is a highly imaginative fantasy novel about a young girl’s quest to find and save her father. Serapia, accompanied by her dragonet pet, goes from a smart, toughened street urchin to a beloved daughter.

Revelations about her parents’ split and the nature of her father’s past sin took me by surprise, propelling the story in a direction I hadn’t anticipated. Serapia’s subsequent (relentless) quest to obtain healing for her father at the hands of an unwilling he-elf examines the nature of evil, sin and its consequences, suffering, forgiveness, and immortality from a Christian perspective.

Although Serapia’s persistent efforts to compel the he-elf include many flashbacks as she regains her memory, I found that segment of the story a bit long, making it somewhat repetitive. Even so, fans of fantasy will enjoy the detailed world and rich story Corinna Turner has created. Continue reading

Moonchild Rising Blog Tour

Shadows of the Sun #1

About the Book:

Mara the Huntress resides in the sunny little town of Archangel, California, the location of the Gate of the Underworld—a fact unknown to the general populace. Most people don’t even know that vampires exist. As Huntress, Mara does know, and it is her job to kill those that dare venture forth to the Upperworld to prey on the humans living there. She is well-suited to this purpose, gifted with skills and talents far surpassing those of ordinary mortals. Though some vampires manage to evade her, she has so far managed to prevent the unleashing of a full-scale infestation. She has been at this job for a good portion of her not-quite twenty years, and it seems she has everything in hand. Then one day she gets a chill of foreboding, a feeling that things are about to change . . .

For she stands in the way of the master vampire’s plan for world domination, and, he fears, may be a key player in the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy foretelling his destruction. One dark night he sends the mighty Prince (his second in command) to put an end to this Huntress, this bane of vampires, once and for all. Mara confidently goes out to face him, but finds she has met her match at last. Just as all hope seems lost, this powerful vampire turns from the “dark side” to become Mara’s ally in the battle against his own kind.

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Interview with Author Corinna Turner: Creativity, Culture, and What’s Next

I’m impressed with your imagination more than that of any author I follow. What do you do to feed that imagination, to create such original characters and stories?

Drive!This is a bit of a hard one, because I don’t particularly feel like I do anything special.  I read (though less than I used to due to time, and I’m getting much pickier), I also like films, though again, I’m getting much pickier. I don’t really watch TV at all. I probably get maybe a third to half my book ideas in dreams, so those I cannot take even the illusion of credit for! The other ideas are split between the ones that come very rapidly to the ones that grow more slowly, but they all develop without any interference from me, at least until I reach the stage of serious plotting, so I think all the credit lies with the Holy Spirit for these as well! Continue reading