Uplanned, The Passion, & Hidden Blind Spots

Like many who watched the recent Abby Johnson bio-pic Unplanned (based on Unplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader’s Eye-Opening Journey across the Life Line), I was startled by the utter contradiction of a joy-filled baby shower being held in the same site where dozens of babies lives were lost that very day, dismembered and discarded as biological waste. Not only did Abby and her friends and co-workers fail to recognize the humanity of every child in the womb, but they condemned each to death according to the mother’s wishes.

At the same time, in the midst of a Lenten Bible study (No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk through Christ’s Passion by Edward Sri), I struggled to comprehend the failure of the Jewish people (especially the Sandhedrin) to recognize the Messiah they’d long awaited standing before them. Not only did they not recognize Him, but they condemned Him to death.

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The Lent You Want and the Lent You Need

Christ on the Cross by Leon Bonnat (image in the public domain)

In my experience, God cares little for the Lent you want as evidenced by delivering the Lent you need. I’d intended to write a little more about that, including how little I’d “done” this Lent in the way of the three hallmarks of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. And then a little about the sick kids piling up in my living room this week and the cut on my pinky that sent me to the urgent care center. Continue reading