Wanderlight: A Catholic Video Game Kids Will Love

Excitement greeted the Wanderlight: A Pilgrim’s Adventure promotional pack the second I held it in my hands, from the 17-year-old, curious about a Catholic video game, to the younger kids, eager to give the demo a shot (especially mid-week, when they are ordinarily not allowed to indulge in video games).

They’d already seen the trailer for Loyola Press’s innovative game and were intrigued. Now, with a plushie version of the main character, Pilgrim; stickers; and a poster, they were eager to dive in.

Since earlier this summer, my kids have been enjoying Animal Crossing, a gentle sort of game that they equally enjoy – both the boys and the girls, from the high school senior down to the middle school tween and the lower and upper elementary kids. Waderlight holds a lot of the same appeal.

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