Guest Posts: Blog and Radio Interviews, a Recipe, and More

Things Visible & Invisible

Sweetest Romances for Sweetest Day (October 20, 2018)

“I read heavily in the non-Catholic Christian genres and enjoy those novels very much. But there’s something to be said for seeing your own experience reflected in novels from time-to-time. So, when my characters pray, they’re more likely to bring out the rosary beads. If they’re practicing their faith, they’re at Mass on Sunday. They have the benefit of the sacraments and the grace that they offer. They’re more likely to be open to large families.”

How My Mom Changed Lives One Chocolate Chip at a Time (September 11, 2018)

“Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you must do something big, or be someone important to make a difference. You can live your life in obscurity being ‘only’ a mother or a housewife or whatever role it is you are called to. You don’t need money, fame, or education to do what matters most.”

Radio Maria US

Robert Marshall Reclaiming the Republic: How Christians and Other Conservatives Can Win Back America & Carolyn Astfalk Rightfully Ours and Secrets Visible & Invisible (July 12, 2018) (starts at 27:27)

A Mother and Daughter Look at a New Mother-Daughter Journal (November 21, 2018)

“When it’s complete, my daughter and I can treasure this shared journal for many years to come! And more importantly, we can treasure the time we spent working on it together, getting to know one another and our faith better with every page.”

Book Notes: 4 New Catholic Books You Need Now, For Advent and Christmas (November 15, 2018)

“This beautiful hardcover book includes beer and wine recommendations and dozens of cocktail recipes for Advent through Candlemas. Pick and choose among drink suggestions made according to the calendar, the twelve days of Christmas, the Golden Nights, and more. With each entry, learn more about the saints, the liturgical calendar, and Church history”

The Tech Talk: Evaluate How Your Family Uses Digital Devices (February 21, 2018)

“Dr. Horne doesn’t take an extreme approach. He neither advocates banning all technology nor letting the kids do as they please. Instead, he suggests an initial two-week family fast and then adopting reasonable measures that the family can agree on.”

Waiting with Purpose Book Club: Interview with Author Jeannie Ewing (March 17, 2018)

“Throughout the book, you return to the idea that we are more than what we do, that our value lies not in our productivity but in our mere existence. I often say that we are ‘human beings,’ not ‘human doings.’ What do you think is the biggest obstacle to valuing people over production in modern American culture?”

An Interview with Colleen Duggan, Author of Good Enough is Good Enough (May 12, 2018)

“For a culture that prides itself on diversity, we often apply a one-size fits all approach to ‘success.’ As you write, ‘Evil is evil and looks the same; sanctity comes in thousands of shapes and sizes …’ How can we counteract that desire to conform and replace it with the varied models of sanctity, the ultimate success stories, that the Church provides?”

Don’t Forget to Say Thank You Book Club: Interview with Author Lindsay Schlegel (September 8, 2018)

“I notice that my children — some more than others — struggle greatly with saying they are sorry when their offense was accidental. How can we help our children and ourselves to overcome our pride and focus more on the hurt we’ve caused and seeking forgiveness?”

Meatless Rice: Yellow Rice with Black Beans and Corn (October 19, 2018)

“Running on about four hours of sleep and failing to get to the grocery store before the kids got off of their buses, I scrambled for what to feed our family before we had to rush out for haircuts and a Scout meeting. I nosed through cupboards and our make-shift pantry in the basement and came up with this easy, flexible recipe.”

Today’s Catholic Teacher

Bulletin Board Bonus: Winter’s Delights (November 12, 2018)

“Little Saints Adventures: Interactive, faith-based education for children in preschool through second grade is a touch away with the Little Saint Adventures app. Add multiple children with individual avatars. Visit five unique worlds with different themes, interactive Bible stories, games, and quizzes.”

Bulletin Board: Quick Looks (November 5, 2018)

Feeding Your Family’s Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality, by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, provides quick and simple ways for families to connect at mealtime. Broken into 52 lessons, each including a verse, prayer, teaching, and questions for reflection, this user-friendly dinner companion blends catechesis, prayer, and family time. Begin a new lesson on Sunday when mealtime is more relaxed, and return to the brief before- and after-meal prayers and activities throughout the week when schedules are more hectic.”

Bulletin Board: Fresh Finds for Fall (October 12, 2018)

“Catechism of the Seven Sacraments by Kevin and Mary O’Neill is a feast for the eyes and the soul. The hardcover book from StoryTel Press includes glossy photographs of hundreds of biblical scenes recreated in LEGOs. The creative graphic-novel-style presentation appeals to all ages.”

Bulletin Board: Online Resources for Fall (August 10, 2018)

“The Bead by Bead Rosary app for iPad and iPhone allows children to pray along, bead by bead. Each virtual bead includes a corresponding prayer and an illustration. The selected bead remains highlighted, allowing children to easily track the prayers. ”

Catholic Leisure Reading for Teachers (June 27, 2018)

The Grace Crasher by Mara Faro is a hilarious, poignant story that sets the broken love among families, friends, lovers, and fellow believers against the backdrop of God’s unfailing love. Spot-on humor targets both Catholics and Evangelical Christians alike.”

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